A Christmas Treat – olive picking with a local farmer in the Luberon!
When you only have a limited time to enjoy Provence, authentic experiences are to be treasured. This one came lovingly wrapped in the form of a friends’ invitation to join them for a special day. Wrapped up cozily against the chill of a provencal winter, a lazy morning drive took us through the gentle hills and valleys of the Luberon to Opede; the dreamiest village of all!
The stillness and peace against an electric blue sky was deafening….. as we sat in the little square enjoying a cafe. Not a soul around except for a bird or two and a lone dog on the street. Time to move and find the field where we were due to meet the olive trees and the farmer. A short stroll and finally a group of ten or twelve with sleeves rolled up and ladders in hand; dogs barking and children running everywhere. We worked hard; the farmer needed this done and his friends and family were there to help. What a treat to be part of this simple experience. We just fitted in! And our reward; a barbecue in the field . Hearty local wine, meat and sticky puddings – lots of them. The childrens’ eyes sparkled! Yes they complained when I told them they were going olive picking, but I’m sure it’s a memory that has been filed under ‘favourites’.